Saturday, July 11, 2009


In all things that go on, there are moments that you come across that break your heart.

Sadly there have been a few lately that have caused my heart to quiver in sadness.

Both stories settling out in Arizona. Both about children. Both tragic but hopeful.
One story occurred out in Mesa, the daughter, a young beautiful 3 year old, who's mom is close friend's with my dear friend, lost her life a few weeks ago at the hands of a shattered man.
Her dad.
He couldn't handle the grief, perhaps, over the fact that his marriage had dissolved due to his abusive hands, so instead, he kidnapped his daughter, and on fathers day in a camp site, he took her life with a gun, and then turned it on himself.
After having the child speak to the mom.

Unknown to the poor angel, her mood content after speaking with her mom, her selfish sick father turned the gun on her and then himself. The poor Mom, words cannot fathom what she must be going through. A mom very dedicated to caring for her child, keeping her safe, working hard to provide for her, putting herself through nursing school, and then within a moment, nothing will ever be the same again.
If you'd like to help, that would be wonderful.

Here is the story: MESA, AZ

Another story that continues to take twists and turns within my heart takes place in Phoenix, AZ. A young girl named Kate is fighting for her life due to a recently discovered rare brain tumor. Her family is an inspiration. Their faith is strong. They need our prayers. You can follow them on caring bridge, leave your thoughts and prayers for this family, that G-d will grant this family the same amount of grace that they granted my brother back when he lay in ICU, fighting for his life.
The caring bridge site is here: KATE McRae
Here is some more on dear Kate via You tube. This story recently becoming a reality for the family within the past weeks. She did make it through brain surgery.

These posts aren't meant to be a Debbie downer, more so as a reminder that life changes so fast.
I know it because of what my brother went through. I remember the beeps and the sounds of the machines. Images haunt me still at night. Images over the accident. Who was with my brother before the paramedics arrived. Was he in pain. Images that will eventually settle down, but still, at night when I rest in bed, the images are like a black and white film, flipping through my head. What my dad had to see, alone, in the Er, before they whisked my brother off for emergency brain surgery. He's said to my mom that God spared her from seeing such a horrific thing. Something a parent shouldn't have to ever see.

Like Tisha and the loss of her beautiful daughter.
Like Holly and Aaron who are standing along side their daughter not knowing what the next moment brings.

Today, remember how precious the people are around you. Things are second to none when it comes to your loved ones.


austere said...

My prayers.
And you take care of yourself, Crusty.

Melanie said...

thanks for the post and prayers are being sent their way and yours for you and your family.

Cheryl said...

I just watched Greys Anatomy and the message was kind of the same. Live now, let the people you care about know it now. Life is fleeting. Live it. Love.

Sometimes it takes having tragedy visit you to appreciate life. Unfortunate but I think true.

Hope today is a great day!

The Window Watcher said...

Well put. I've been away from here too long....forgot how great your posts are.

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

A good reminder - hope you're feeling better.