Saturday, November 21, 2009


My mother in law and father in law are in town until Monday.
It's been a lovely visit.
Because they go to a hotel in the evenings..

My two very best girlfriends are coming in today.
One from Arizona.
One from North Carolina.
Which means the four of us (our other close close friend that lives in IL) will all be together again, in ILLINOIS, for at least a good week! I can't tell you how excited I am. I'm so excited I'm blotchy!..

So, you might not see much of me these next few days. Not like you've seen much of me lately.

I'll be back that's for sure, and I'll return to visiting you too, just give me time, pulhease?

Oh, one another thing.
How in Georges name does crust and crumbs and other foreign flecks ALWAYS ends up in our silverware utensil drawer? No matter what drawer the dividing blue silverware container (??) goes into, crust and crumbs and foreign flecks always ends up in their compartments.

Makes me crazy.


KathyA said...

Have a really great time!
And about the crumbs? It's one of those household mysteries, like what happens to socks in the dryer.

Laura Marchant said...

Have a great time!!!

Moohaa said...

I have the mystery flecks as well. What is up??

Have sooooo much fun!

Hoping Ben is doing better.

HappyK said...

Good question!!
Have fun!!

Jamie said...

You are SO right! I hate that...

Have oh-so-much-fun!


Cheryl said...

Hope you're having a fabulous time catching up with your friends. We need to catch up one of these days. Out of sight, but not out of mind.

Savannah said...

I just wanted to drop by and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you are enjoying your time with your friends and family.

Rick Rockhill said...

the hotel thing is very smart. keeps everyone talking the next day. WHen I go visiting, its what I do too.

Now about the utensil is a mystery, isn't it?

Jamie said...

Oh Eliz-a-beth...

where are you girl?

Anonymous said...

Opulently I to but I think the list inform should secure more info then it has.