Friday, August 17, 2007

Competing Brothers

My boys, especially at the ages they're at, love competing against each other.

If one jumps, the other has to jump just as high- even higher.

If one takes off their shirt playing the game "Bampa and Man," the other has to take off his shirt.

It's just the same when one of them end up sick.

If one has a fever like BenHAMEAN, running 102.6, so does the other.

Now, Sullivan has a fever.

Leading me to the conclusion that it's only a matter of time before Jackson "decides" to have the marathon fever.

This may sound selfish, but I feel the burden of isolation beginning to swallow me whole.

Welcome To Crustybeef~
Isolation from life outside the home sucks.


Portia said...

oh crusty, it's not selfish. i am so sorry your boys are sick, and yes, it does seem to happen all at once. i so loved being with my boys all the time when i was home on maternity leave, but it can be a terribly isolating feeling, as you said. i felt like i hadn't been in the "real world" since the day i left work. and no matter how many mommies you know in your area, there's not much you can do when the little ones are sick. i hope they get better soon and somehow it skips Jackson altogether:) best wishes...will miss you this weekend, you QUACKER;)

Portia said...

trying to decide what to name our little writers blog...what do you think of Motley Scripts? UGH. WAY open to suggestions here. Symphony of Words? i was trying to pick something that would say it is a collective writing effort.

oh, and i thought of something else. proxima mentioned one day about blogs being legally published materials and not eligible for print according to certain you would have to dance carefully there regarding working on your book. of course it's an ever changing legal schmegal loop-di-loop.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

thanks Portia! I was thinking about that as well. So that would eliminate the option for all of our writings to be published at select publishers right?

I had an additional idea regarding the writers log..I'll shoot you an email, should there be any spamming lurkers out there trying to steal great idea's..

yes, very isolating and in tomorrow's post I'll explain why-I can't right now which will make sense after reading my posting tomorrow..sigh........ :(

SOUL said...

wow three sick lil ones??? i feel for ya..and them.
hope all turns around real quick. maybe just a quick 24-48 hour virus??

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

hey soul!!
nope just two..but it's only a matter of time until Jackson get's it..
it must be a virus which makes no sense to rush them to the doc's office pay $20per kid copay and then say it's a virus..waste of money and time..hate insurance and the doctors these days.. as you can prolly contest.

austere said...

Oh My! All of them? No, it will miss the little one, not to worry. Hopefully.
A group which can mail or yahogroups may be better. It is a good thing, a writing group. IWW has relaly helped me a great deal.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

austere: it has the little one and the middle one..we're waiting on the big one.
what's IWW???

Cheryl said...

So sorry your boys are sick. I was always so worried when mine got a fever. I remember once putting her in a very cold bath. Too cold. I hope you stay well and that Jackson doesn't join his brothers.

I went back to work part-time when Emily was an infant. I had no choice. I've always felt that part-time work was perfect for me. I've always needed 'my space.' I've loved my one day a week that my daughter spends away, with her Dad. Do you get any time alone?

SOUL said...

oh sorry.. i get sooo darn confused ... but you already know that. :)
i do mean well... even if i am senile.
yes doctors.. uh boy, not tonight.
i do hope everyone gets well, and you can get out from under the isolation hell.
take care.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Cheryl: thanks for commenting..welcome home again!!

SOUL:no worries, i get confused all the time as worries I understand.

austere said...

hmm as a some-time pharmacist I cant help thinking a mild very mild antib might have helped, but you are right on about the resistance too, lesser of an issue. Out here most meds can be brought across the counter. They are supposed to ask for a prescripn, but they generally dont.

IWW is internetwritingworkshop dot com. They have a practice group with weekly exercises- you can see some of my subs on the newRoughpad page.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

austere: odds are since all three boys had the high fevers it must be something viral..and naturally there's nothing that can treat a virus..I just treated the symptoms with children's tylenol to bring down the fever, and I applied one of those children's cherry vicks stickers on jack's chest to aid in the congestion...I don't know what's worse, having sick children, or being sick myself.
